Wednesday 22 December 2010

Merry Christmas: a message from November that only arrived now because I am good at procrastinating

Hola. Bonjour. Hallo. Uh… cheese? It’s Teapot! I’m not dead! (though I guess you probably thought I was, but I’m not). After my noticeable time of neglecting my little Spout of Wisdom, I’m back, tending it like the child I never really wanted.
So I guess you’re asking “Hey, Teapot! What are you going to blog about?” Or maybe you’re not. Let’s be honest, you’re probably not. You’d look like a right retard saying that to your computer, wouldn’t you?

Item number one: A mini fridge.
Teapot would like a mini fridge for Christmas this year. This is so she can keep lettuce for her Bearded Dragon in her room (Well, this is what she tells people, but really she just wants to be able to have constant, unsupervised access to all the food she desires). If she gets a mini fridge in her room, Teapot will be like this.

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Item number two: A selection of professional paintbrushes.
Teapot likes to paint. It’s the only time she can play with colours and people don’t go “Oh, colours. Oh. You must be so childish. Oh, you have no talent. Oh. Teapots are shitty.” Teapot also likes painting because it’s an excuse to get her face all covered in paint. Teapot is already sure she is getting some paintbrushes. This means she will look like this more often (and I say more often because, let’s face it, I look like this a little too much for someone who doesn’t even own their own paints).

Item number three: A lava lamp.
Mainly because for his birthday in mid-November (the beginning of Christams, according to our town council who decided to put up the Christmas lights around that time), Clay received a lava lamp, and he was like OH I DUN GOTS ME A LARVER LAMP and Teapot was like MY LARVER LAMP DUN BROKEDED and Teapot decided she then wanted a lava lamp, and if she gets a lava lamp, Teaps will be like this… constantly...:

Item number four: Ace Frehley boots.
Yes, there are more little presents I’m getting (like some moustaches, face paint for painting on moustaches, etc.) but I’d just like to skip the little ones and tell you that this year, no-one is buying me Ace Frehley boots. The knee high, silver platforms. I am not receiving a pair. And I need some.
Yesterday, I doodled a pair of Ace Frehley boots in every lesson. In English, one pair. Physics, four pairs, R.E., one massive pair, German, one pair, P.E., no facilities to draw but I did tell my P.E. teacher that she had to buy me some Ace Frehley boots or I would die. You don’t even understand how badly I want those boots. If any of you guys buy them for me, I will actually love you forever. And I don’t mean that in the “Yer mai bestest fwend!” kind of way, I will actually worship the ground you walk on. Like this:

Of course, then you’ll get annoyed with me and tell me to go away, so I’ll don my Frehley boots and be like:

I’ll leave you with that image impressed into your mind-tank. I hope you have a fantastic Christmas and a wonderful New year! Best wishes,
(Also, I apologise for the way this post has started. “Well, it’s November…” It WAS November when I started the post, but… you know how time is. It… passes… with time… and before I knew it, November had pummelled me in the face with a shovel of time.)

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