Sunday 17 October 2010

Top ten + Letter 2 yhu gaiz

Guys! Guys! Hay yhu gaiz!
I'm so very sorry I couldn't do my Friday post last week, but I found my tablet pen yesterday! I'm happier than a lemur with a fez. I bet you are too.
I'm also extremely apologetic that I didn't post my top ten last Sunday! I had it all drafted and everything, and then my computer was like "I'm gonna crash and destroy all your hard work! That's right, bye-bye top ten, au revoir English homework! Facebook? Tumblr? Youtube? That lyric site that's helping you learn all the words to the fastest song you know? All unimportant! Verse one, chorus and bridge. That's all you need." and I was like "FUUUUUUUUU" and it was like "Haha I'm not gonna start now!" and I ws just like "I'mma make a sandwich, angerness!" So, in short, I couldn't post it.
In English, we have a GCSE contributary controlled assessment, and I have to write about a relationship. I wrote about my friend, and how we spent a day together after my birthday. Halfway through the essay, I found myself grinning like an idiot. And if that wasn't bad enough, I looked up and there's my teacher, looking at me with her face. I felt like a douche in a pinafore. Don't ask where the pinafore came from, as I wasn't actually wearing a pinafore. I guess I was trying too hard to be funny, and accidentally dropped a pinafore in there. Pinafores are quite funny though.
So, without further ado, here's this week's top ten, with a fez and a pinafore. Actually, no fez or pinafore. I don't know how to code that awesomely.

1. Top song: Spit it out by Slipknot.
2. Top TV show: Harry Hill's TV Burp.
3. Top band: The Hoosiers (though we never did find out what was up with Ray.)
4. Top DVD: Animatrix (I really suggest you check it out!)
5. Top short film thingy in the Animatrix: Beyond (That's what it's called, I loved it!)
6. Top quote: "This commercial was brought to you by the letter Rape!" ~Someone who would rather remain anonymous.
7. Top thing I doodled: My friend Sam with boobies (It made me happy!)
8. Top person who helped me annoy his friend, for the lulz: Blonde guy!
9. Top food: Cheesestrings (in all their cheesy glory)
10. Top comedian: Noel Fielding ("Wouldn't it be great if I did the whole gig like this? *presses microphone to eye* You'd all have to read my thoughts. Then if it was a shit gig, it'd be your fault!")

That's the Top Ten for this week! My blogging gears'll be a bit rusty after my break, so I'll try and get a post on Friday, but in the event of this not happening, I promise to get it done as soon as possible.
I love you guys! Loads and loads! Fez pinafore duck wedgie! I don't know why I did that.
AML, Little Teapot!

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