Tuesday 29 March 2011

Hello there, little twenty-eleven-ions. First off, I sincerely hope you have a great April! Filled with greatness and… lego. And, like, whales and stuff. And joy. OH THE JOY I WISH UPON YOU. Now, today, my minions, we will be reading the story of the puppy and the kitten. Well, I say we. I mean you. You know that, I know that. I was being inclusive, like Primary school teachers try and fail to do. “We’re going to watch a film today, children!” “We are, but you’re not, are you, miss? You’re going outside to have a little smokey and bitch about your salary.” But nonetheless, I’m writing a story about a puppy and a kitten. And if you don’t like that… I’m sorry. I love you.

So, I got my kitten when I was about nine. Everyone had told me that, though cats aren’t as affectionate as dogs, they stay with you, whereas dogs may run away. Or something like that. ‘tever. And from then on, I decided to see what my cat would do when I pretended to die. Once every couple of weeks, I’d have a horrible heart attack or seizure or something, and every time, the cat would walk around me for a while, then either walk off or sit on my face.

This went on for about six years. Every couple of weeks, I’d die, and every time, my cat wouldn’t bat an eyelid. So I thought “I know, I’ll get a dog! A dog will care!! I’m not completely sure what made me come to that conclusion, but I decided I needed a dog. So I begged and begged my mother to get me a dog. And time after time, she said no.
“They’re too expensive!” she said.
“You won’t look after it!” she said.
“It’ll poop in the house!” she said.
But I cared not. I wanted a dog, and I’d do anything to get a pet that’d actually care when I died. So I nagged and nagged for about, what, three years? And she kept saying no.

So one day in July, I came home (wasn’t meant to for another couple of hours, but my friend and her boyfriend were sucking each other’s faces, and I needed to get away from them) and nobody was home. I went to my room and took a photo that looked a bit like this:

And then the front door started making front-door-noises, and I was like GET UP AND CHECK so I got up, and went to the kitchen, and guess what I saw…

I was like OH MY GOD DYING. Not at my mum. She’s all scary and mean. I mean the fluffy little ball of fur standing in my kitchen. And it just stood there. Being all cute.
I played ferociously with that puppy. Every day, I’d take her for long walks, and when she got tired, I’d carry her back home. I’d make sure she always had food and clean water. I’d cuddle her 24/7. I’d take her everywhere. And then she got boring.
So I went back to my cat.

But she was having none of it.

So now I want a horse.

Wednesday 22 December 2010

Merry Christmas: a message from November that only arrived now because I am good at procrastinating

Hola. Bonjour. Hallo. Uh… cheese? It’s Teapot! I’m not dead! (though I guess you probably thought I was, but I’m not). After my noticeable time of neglecting my little Spout of Wisdom, I’m back, tending it like the child I never really wanted.
So I guess you’re asking “Hey, Teapot! What are you going to blog about?” Or maybe you’re not. Let’s be honest, you’re probably not. You’d look like a right retard saying that to your computer, wouldn’t you?

Item number one: A mini fridge.
Teapot would like a mini fridge for Christmas this year. This is so she can keep lettuce for her Bearded Dragon in her room (Well, this is what she tells people, but really she just wants to be able to have constant, unsupervised access to all the food she desires). If she gets a mini fridge in her room, Teapot will be like this.

alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5553527834529691746" />

Item number two: A selection of professional paintbrushes.
Teapot likes to paint. It’s the only time she can play with colours and people don’t go “Oh, colours. Oh. You must be so childish. Oh, you have no talent. Oh. Teapots are shitty.” Teapot also likes painting because it’s an excuse to get her face all covered in paint. Teapot is already sure she is getting some paintbrushes. This means she will look like this more often (and I say more often because, let’s face it, I look like this a little too much for someone who doesn’t even own their own paints).

Item number three: A lava lamp.
Mainly because for his birthday in mid-November (the beginning of Christams, according to our town council who decided to put up the Christmas lights around that time), Clay received a lava lamp, and he was like OH I DUN GOTS ME A LARVER LAMP and Teapot was like MY LARVER LAMP DUN BROKEDED and Teapot decided she then wanted a lava lamp, and if she gets a lava lamp, Teaps will be like this… constantly...:

Item number four: Ace Frehley boots.
Yes, there are more little presents I’m getting (like some moustaches, face paint for painting on moustaches, etc.) but I’d just like to skip the little ones and tell you that this year, no-one is buying me Ace Frehley boots. The knee high, silver platforms. I am not receiving a pair. And I need some.
Yesterday, I doodled a pair of Ace Frehley boots in every lesson. In English, one pair. Physics, four pairs, R.E., one massive pair, German, one pair, P.E., no facilities to draw but I did tell my P.E. teacher that she had to buy me some Ace Frehley boots or I would die. You don’t even understand how badly I want those boots. If any of you guys buy them for me, I will actually love you forever. And I don’t mean that in the “Yer mai bestest fwend!” kind of way, I will actually worship the ground you walk on. Like this:

Of course, then you’ll get annoyed with me and tell me to go away, so I’ll don my Frehley boots and be like:

I’ll leave you with that image impressed into your mind-tank. I hope you have a fantastic Christmas and a wonderful New year! Best wishes,
(Also, I apologise for the way this post has started. “Well, it’s November…” It WAS November when I started the post, but… you know how time is. It… passes… with time… and before I knew it, November had pummelled me in the face with a shovel of time.)

Sunday 17 October 2010

Top ten + Letter 2 yhu gaiz

Guys! Guys! Hay yhu gaiz!
I'm so very sorry I couldn't do my Friday post last week, but I found my tablet pen yesterday! I'm happier than a lemur with a fez. I bet you are too.
I'm also extremely apologetic that I didn't post my top ten last Sunday! I had it all drafted and everything, and then my computer was like "I'm gonna crash and destroy all your hard work! That's right, bye-bye top ten, au revoir English homework! Facebook? Tumblr? Youtube? That lyric site that's helping you learn all the words to the fastest song you know? All unimportant! Verse one, chorus and bridge. That's all you need." and I was like "FUUUUUUUUU" and it was like "Haha I'm not gonna start now!" and I ws just like "I'mma make a sandwich, angerness!" So, in short, I couldn't post it.
In English, we have a GCSE contributary controlled assessment, and I have to write about a relationship. I wrote about my friend, and how we spent a day together after my birthday. Halfway through the essay, I found myself grinning like an idiot. And if that wasn't bad enough, I looked up and there's my teacher, looking at me with her face. I felt like a douche in a pinafore. Don't ask where the pinafore came from, as I wasn't actually wearing a pinafore. I guess I was trying too hard to be funny, and accidentally dropped a pinafore in there. Pinafores are quite funny though.
So, without further ado, here's this week's top ten, with a fez and a pinafore. Actually, no fez or pinafore. I don't know how to code that awesomely.

1. Top song: Spit it out by Slipknot.
2. Top TV show: Harry Hill's TV Burp.
3. Top band: The Hoosiers (though we never did find out what was up with Ray.)
4. Top DVD: Animatrix (I really suggest you check it out!)
5. Top short film thingy in the Animatrix: Beyond (That's what it's called, I loved it!)
6. Top quote: "This commercial was brought to you by the letter Rape!" ~Someone who would rather remain anonymous.
7. Top thing I doodled: My friend Sam with boobies (It made me happy!)
8. Top person who helped me annoy his friend, for the lulz: Blonde guy!
9. Top food: Cheesestrings (in all their cheesy glory)
10. Top comedian: Noel Fielding ("Wouldn't it be great if I did the whole gig like this? *presses microphone to eye* You'd all have to read my thoughts. Then if it was a shit gig, it'd be your fault!")

That's the Top Ten for this week! My blogging gears'll be a bit rusty after my break, so I'll try and get a post on Friday, but in the event of this not happening, I promise to get it done as soon as possible.
I love you guys! Loads and loads! Fez pinafore duck wedgie! I don't know why I did that.
AML, Little Teapot!

Friday 1 October 2010

Ohnoes :(

My dearest readers,
I have some news for you. It may not be pleasing, but you have to hear it.
I can't find my tablet pen. This means no illustrations for blog posts. Which means the lulz will not be so much, unless I spend a lot longer on posts, so this is the post for tonight. I'll try to post one next week, but I can't promise anything. The top tens will keep coming, though.
In other news, I might be getting a new camera! This means I can do my photography again! It's on eBay and we're bidding on it, so hopefully we'll win the auction!
I was told the other day that if you have a dream and you realise that you are dreaming, to look at my hand. Because the brain isn't functioning fully, it screws some things up. So I had a dream, and I realised that it was a dream, so I looked at my hand. I didn't have a hand. I had fingers, but just a space where my hand was meant to be. I was also told that if you look in the mirror, it messes that up too, but is sometimes scary. I though "how bad can it be?" so I checked a mirror. My face was all small and squished into the lower half of my face. I poked my left cheek, and my right cheek bubbled out. It was so cool!
I'll try and keep you updated on the pen situation, and share my yayful adventures.
Little Teapot.

Sunday 26 September 2010

Top ten uh gen.

1. Top song: Wo Bist Du (Rammstein)
2. Top TV show: The Inbetweeners
3. Top colour: Pink, blates.
4. Top animal: Penguins because they are cooler than everything.
5. Top quote: Ed Miliband: "David, I love you so much as a brother..."
Dad: "...and even more as a paedophile."
6. Top thing I miss: Charlie, my yellow belt. I miss you, Charlie.
7. Top phrase: "Your mum". It works in any situation. "Do the washing up." "Your mum."
8. Top awesome thing my hair did: After a shower, I put a band all down the length of my fringe, and then I took out the band an hour later and brushed my fringe and it was all FWOOPH. It looked rather 80's.
9. Top word in another language: Bleiben. German for "cry". It sounds phonetic, huh? "BLEIBEBLEIBEBLEIBE."
10. Top thing that happened on 25/09/10: I married this guy who knows my cousin. I have never met him, but decided that because his hair was beautiful, I would marry him. Now, I am married. Well, Facebook married, but that's kinda the same thing.

Friday 24 September 2010

Blogs are not easy y'know.

Hey guys! Sorry I didn't post last week. I was too busy (lazy) to write anything. Today, however, I felt guilty for neglecting you guys, so I did some doodles in my spare time (maths lesson) for your enjoyment (so I don't feel guilty any more). Enjoy!

And before you say "THAT IS NOT FOR ME. THAT WAS BOREDOM WITH A PENCIL. YOU ARE A DOODLE NAZI" I just want to say that this was drawn specifically with Spout of Wisdom in mind (and kinda just lapsed into DeathNote and me being all sciency). And if you're gonna be like "THIS IS NOT ENTERTAINING. STOP BEING BORING TEEEEEEEEAPOT" then here are some amusing quotes from the past few days.

Megan lies on the floor, putting her socks on. Teapot stands over her.
Megan: Miss Farris would not approve of your makeup.
Teapot: Miss Farris can suck my d*ck.
Megan, alrady being on the floor, literally rofls like a wofl.

Nick is not talking to Teapot. He has not said a word to her in two days. He does this because he is a penis and finds joy in Teapot's misery. This is rather common as Teapot's misery is apparently quite amusing.
Nick: F*ck off.
Teapot: Thank you!

Emily, Anna and Teapot are on the Hockey pitch at school, and are meant to be playing Rounders (nobody knows why, really).
Anna: Emily... I think I remember you flashing me...
Emily: What? I never did.
Anna: At camping?
Emily: Oh yeah! I was showing you my wierd nipples!
Emily: Teapot's speechless for the fist time ever!
Teapot:...yeah, don't really know what to say...

This next one is from the Inbetweeners, a show I've started watching on 4OD and have fallen in love with.
Neil: Maybe it's haunted, like in one of those ghost stories, like Harry Potter or the Bible.

I'm sorry I couldn't be all bloggy and interesting and have had to steal things other people said to make a blog post. I am ashamed. I promise I'll do a better one next week. Or not. I can't make any promises, even though I just did.

Peanut butter egg dirt, Little Teapot.

Monday 20 September 2010

Top ten, late, as per usual.

This weeks top ten is about a day late due to chronic laziness and the fact that I am lazy.
1. Top song: It's a Wonderful Life by Hurts
2. Top thing-that-turned-out-cool: My A2 art folder that I coloured over with crayons.
3. Top garment or whatever you want to call it: My hoodie, with the pink and the blue and the green and the black triangles ^w^ Nice and snuggly.
4. Top band: The Script
5. Top website: the Oatmeal
6. Top lyric: "I found it hard, it was hard to find. Oh well, whatever, never mind." -Nirvana, Smells like Teen Spirit.
7. Top quote: "Okay, brain, I don't like you and you don't like me, so let's get this over with and I can get back to killing you with beer." -Homer Simpson.
8. Top yay: Now that Big Brotheris dead, Scrubs is back on! I LOVE SCRUBS SO MUCH HAPPY SCRUBS YAY.
10. Top thing coming up: Hopefully grading at Aikido on Saturday! SQUEE.