Saturday 17 July 2010

The day of the man of greenitude.

Today was the day of the Green Man festival! Basically, it's a festival in our town when loads of wierd people appear and try to sell you stuff. I went with Katie, to buy things from the wierd people and achieve pure joy.
When we arrived, the first thing we saw was the Teacups ride. And guess what was in the middle?
A giant teapot. It was a little deformed, but it looked like this.

So we went on the teacups. There were three little kids on there, one cup each, and they didn't look at all pleased to be riding the teacups, and then there was us. Two thirteen/fourteen year old girls riding the same teacup and yelling our noses off.
Then we looked around for a bit and decided we were thirsty, so I was like "Let's get a drink" and Katie was like "Sure". We left the festival and went to the shop near the festival and bought some Sparkling water. Katie was like "Get some Mentos". I got some soft mints, because they didn't have Mentos. We went to the park and put the Mentos into the bottle, and nothing happened. We fail at explosion-construction. So we took a ribbon from a balloon, tied it to the bottle and proceeded to drag the bottle through the festival, under the alias of "Pepsi". We went up to loads of random people dressed like cows and cats and green people and yelled "THIS IS PEPSI HE DOES TRICKS WATCH HIS TRICKS WATCH THEM" and then made him jump by tugging on the ribbon, and play dead and stuff. After a while, we got bored and sold him to some kids for 50p and a packet of sweets.
We saw a guy with those diablo thingies, flicking them up and down and all around. Katie was like "What are they called again?" and I was all "Uh... gigolos."
I hugged someone dressed as a cow, then danced with it for a bit, then hugged it some more. I was all *hugs* and it was all "Moo". I made a friend and it was a cow.
On the way back, Katie and I bought these really cool metal things to go on our fingers. We went around flicking people in the foreheads and yelling "YOU'RE DEAD". It was fun.
On the way back, a wierd band started playing on the stage. All we heard was "FLOOB (trumpet noises) SOLID BROWN".
Another stage was in aid of cancer research. They were singing a song that went something along the lines of "Oh, the pills, the pills that kill". I was like "Well, I'm not going to the NHS for my cancer treatment.
Well, this entry wasn't very humorous at all. Have some yayz.

Nah, even that wasn't humorous. This blog entry fails, Little Teapot.
P.S. It barely had any teapots in it. What a fail.

EDIT: I edited it a little.

1 comment:

  1. XD The man and his "Diablo". I woke up and giggled at that.
