Friday 16 July 2010

The Uberhug

Today I had a fall-out with my friend. I'm not going to rant about it, because it's not relevant. What is relevant, is that it led me to spen lucnh with another friend of mine, Katie. She was drawing people on the wall for her class. It was random.
She comes up to me and goes "Siani, give me an epic long hug." I gave her an epic long hug. So long, in fact, that it got to the time where we were going to go to the cantine, so I carried on hugging her and slowly scurried out of the door.
We were on the second floor.
So we scurried through the hallway, through the door to the stairs, down the stairs, through another hallway and up to a random french teacher at our school that looks like a bus' shadow, like this.

Yeah. Etienne is cool.
And Katie's like "Etienne?"
And Etienne's like "Yesh?" in his wierd Ettiene voice that kind of sounds like a bus' shadow, only less shadowy.
And I'm like "This is an Uberhug. We have hugged for about Five minutes."
And Ettiene's like "Wow. Kewl."
And we scurried away.
Then we ate some food. I had a bread roll, an apple and a cookie. I also had a drink. Orange juice. Fairtrade. Because I like the people who pick the oranges, even if the juice they make tastes like pre-digested vinegar.

Hope you've anjoyed this edition of "Spout of Wisdom". You probably didn't, because it lacked teapots. Well, I have a surprise for you.

There. Enjoyment installed.
I hope you have enjoyed this edition of "Spout of Wisdom". At the moment, my mouth tastes like that horrible juice I had earlier.
I should have chosen apple, Little Teapot.

1 comment:

  1. XD I actually lolled when I saw the "Etiennepot" doodle.

    By the way, just the thought of an uberhug frightens me in ways I can't describe... *shudders* o_o;;; I can barely stand a normal hug... let alone an UBERhug. (You know it's dangerous because it sounds German. >.>)

    You're quite funny, and you should keep it up. ;) If you don't I will have to nag you until your ears fall off. ^^

    -Cally (leaving-honolulu)
