Sunday 12 September 2010

Top Ten!

AHMAHGAHD. It’s the Top Ten again!
1.Top band: Slipknot
2.Top song: Snuff-Slipknot
3.Top film: Talladega Nights
4.Top thing I’ve heard from someone at school: “This is why I hate whites.”
5.Top food: Domino’s Pizza
6.Top game: Ratchet and Clank; A Quest For Booty (PS3)
7.Top TV show: Jackass
8.Top Famous person: Hugh Laurie (Celebrity is too much of a n00by term, and Hugh Laurie is too awesome for that).
9.Top colour: Pink, blates.
10.Top thing: Rainbow socks (for the rebellion and whatnot)

Top thing that was accidentally funny: Minty Whatnot. Yeah. That deserved to be on it’s own.

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